Manu Feildel Caricature from My Kitchen Rules

11 years ago

Manu Feildel loves his sauce. So much so that I could easily imagine him bathing in a sauce server... here…

Tony Abbott Caricature

11 years ago

I decided I don't have enough politicians in my portfolio and given Tony has been up to his old tricks…

Recent commissions in April

11 years ago

Here are a couple of recent commissions I've done in the month of April.

Some recent commission jobs

11 years ago

I haven't updated in a while so though I'd share some recent Perth caricature commissions I've done.

Hunt for a Hero

12 years ago

On Friday I was asked to come into radio station 92.9FM to sketch a composite portrait of an unidentified hero…

Retirement Caricature

12 years ago

Retirement caricature complete with custom hotrod.

Len Zuks Oil on Canvas

12 years ago

My oil painting of renowned West Australian artist and sculptor Len Zuks. Oil on canvas 152cm x 76cm.

Daniel and Linda Engagement Caricature

12 years ago

Pirate Caricature of Daniel, Linda and Lincoln as their Engagement and farewell gift.